Dreams, Symbols, and the Collective Unconscious
From Sumerian Astrology to Greek Mythology
The Three Bags at Gobekli Tepe
8 Suggested Questions:
1. What are the 3 parts of every dream and what purpose does dreaming serve?
2. What is the Collective Unconscious and how do we know it is real?
3. Why do ancient carvings worldwide present deities with bags and pinecones?
4. What stories did the ancient cultures read from the night sky and why?
5. You talk about the 24 hour mind in your courses. What does this mean?
6. Why are dreams so bizarre and why do most people forget their dreams upon waking?
7. You promote a wisdom drawn from nature. What does nature have to do with the human journey?
8. What are ways people can begin to remember their dreams?
8 Suggested Topics
1. How the Ancient Sky Became our Mythologies and Religions
2. Dreaming: How Nature Designed us to Evolve
3. Dreams, Riddles and the Power of Living the Question
4. Shapeshifting Archetypes: Shadow, Trickster, Anima and Animus
5. Dream Cycles and the Hero's Journey
6. Why Dreams are So Bizarre: The Trojan Horses of the Psyche
7. Decoding the Night Sky: Ancient Babylonian Astrology
8. 5 Easy Lessons from Nature that Will Change Your Life
About Kari

Kari Hohne is a spiritual innovator and developer of self-help apps in the top of the Lifestyle category of Amazon and Itunes. Many of her apps achieved New & Noteworthy recognition. She is also an author bridging the gap between environmental consciousness and spirituality. Her website offers a resource for archetypes and symbols, and free self-help tools with 2 million page views per month.
She works to inspire tolerance through self discovery; to make the spiritual tangible through science and nature; and to present the common ideas among our ancient texts that reveal a universal message. She is passionate about resurrecting our ancient ideas to make them relevant in modern times.
Her bestselling books include: The Mythology of Sleep: The Waking Power of Dreams, The Tao te Ching: Poetry of Nature, The Essential I Ching: 64 Degrees of Nature's Wisdom, Nothing Bad Happens in Life: Nature's Way of Success, The Mind's Mirror: Dream Translation Guide, The Common Archetypes of Tarot: Dreams, Myths and the Hero's Journey and Decoding the Night Sky: Ancient Babylonian Astrology.
Apps include: Way of Dreams Interpretation Tool, CafeauSoul I Ching, and Inspired Natural Wisdom
Albums include: God of Drum and Radio God (as Get Tribal)
Book Reviews
The Essential I Ching: 64 Degrees of Nature's Wisdom
"Not just an interpretation but helpful to understand life's processes."
"In 30 years of studying iching this is the most comprehensive insightful set of interpretations I have ever seen I have ordered extra for friends this will be my main reference it's worth having."
The Mythology of Sleep: The Waking Power of Dreams
“This book breaks new ground in the realm of Joseph Campbell's work on archetypes and the hero's journey. Reminiscent of Carl Jung, the author uses the backdrop of world mythology to present common dream themes or "cycles" that appear in all dreams. She brings forward Freud's earlier writings on dream analysis, seamlessly unifying their ideas. Through actual examples, the reader is guided through the process of dream analysis, although this book also stands as an excellent anthology of world mythology.”
Common Archetypes of Tarot: Dreams, Myths and the Hero's Journey
"Her book The Mythology of Sleep The Waking Power of Dreams is a must read for anyone who is exploring dreams and what they mean. Her expression of how nature can be a teacher, through her book Nothing Bad Happens in Life, instilled in me a respect for nature and it's processes like never before. Her latest book The Common Archetypes of Tarot beautifully integrates the Tarot with dream symbols, mythology, astrology, the I Ching and nature in a way that will give so much more depth and clarity to a tarot reading."
Decoding the Night Sky: Ancient Babylonian Astrology
"This is more than a great reference book for Astrologers. It unravels the story of our ancient stories written in the sky, the development of the zodiac, and ends with ideas that make you really rethink what you thought you knew about history."
Tao te Ching: The Poetry of Nature
“Like most followers of the Tao Te Ching, I have read many translations, and in one way or another enjoyed them all. So it is amazing to me that there could be this new version by Kari Hohne, which seems at every point to match or exceed the others. She takes the work back to the original, lets go of her own agenda, and writes English with a vocabulary rooted in the heart - that is the way of the Tao and the best translations also. She is right up there with Ursula K. Le Guin, Arthur Waley, Stephen Mitchell, and Ellen M. Chen."
Nothing Bad Happens in Life: Nature’s Way of Success
“Being a seasoned outdoor adventurer and an environmentalist by profession, the title of this new book whet my curiosity. Kari Hohne has taken the ancient lessons of the I Ching, which liken the incredible strength of the human spirit to the power of nature, and has spun these lessons into a delightful narrative."
The Mind’s Mirror: Dream Dictionary and Translation Guide
“I use your website all of the time and was happy to see that you put it all in a book! I bought 5 for my friends. Your interpretations are the best out there."
What Clients Say
"I just want to thank you ... Your I Ching pages are amongst the loveliest I've seen online. The care you've given to understanding each hexagram ... the illustrations, quotes ... your understanding of the changing lines ... It's a treasure. I've been a student of this oracle since 1981 and am always on the lookout for a fresh, unique perspective ... and here is one." - USA
"Thank you so much for that powerful interpretation – I like the methodical way you unpack each significant fact in the dream as you go along." - USA
"Thank YOU Kari for this short but eye-opening opportunity. I am shocked at what such as short course has opened up in me and what it has revealed to me about my life." Spain
"I'm amazed at the issues I was able to work through with the help of my dreams. You are brutally honest and to the point in drawing the issues out of me, but your techniques work! Thank you." Mexico
“When you describe the dream, you know what I am facing now. It is the situation exactly. Thank you for the dream interpretation.” -Germany
“With gratitude for your kindness, Thank you so much for your response! This is really insightful... I'm blown away! I completely understand and quite frankly feel you hit it right on, i can very much see what you are saying.” -United Kingdom
“Hey thank you so much.. i was really scared about the dream because i didn't know what it meant... but you really helped me to understand the dream.. thank you.” -South Africa
“I thank you for helping me through this, this dream really bothered me all day long. The thought ran thru my mind that I am a little scared that it might continue on tonight, but i just brushed that out of my mind because now I know what it means. Thanks again.” -United States
“Thank you so very much for the dream interpretation. Although it almost overlaps with what I had found in it all by myself, you pointed out more elements that merit thorough consideration. Thank you very much for that.” -Holland
“Interesting. I had no idea that a silly dream would teach me so much about myself. I will definitely be looking at my dreams more carefully.” -Australia