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Eight of Wands

Eight of Wands Tarot Card

Swift and forward movement is the message of the Eight of Wands. This card is often called the arrows of love and appears when individuals are acknowledging their deeper feelings.

This can be a comforting card if life has appeared on hold because it suggests that events will become unblocked and you can now move forward. This is another card that can symbolize ‘yes’ as you are given the green light to proceed.

Doors are opening so if you are not aware of the opportunity to move forward, perhaps you need to identify whether you are too heavily focused on the past or still banging on a closed door.

The message of the Eight of Wands is to move forward because the universe is supporting you. After a period of uncertainty, this card can indicate that the way forward is becoming more clear.

Keywords: Life moving quickly. Green light in forward movement. Declaration of love. Obstacles giving way to swift forward momentum. Yes. A sign to move forward. 

Reversed: Obstacles to romance. Unrequited love. Cancellation of plans. Slow progress. A need to slow down. Lack of stamina. Pushing too hard or committing oneself in too many directions. Carried away with exuberance when careful planning may be more productive.