Page of Wands

Since the Page is often a scribe, the Page of Wands can appear when a message is coming or you are waiting to hear an answer. It can suggest good news regarding a visitor or a social invitation. As a student, you might explore furthering your education to allow for greater opportunity. The Wands are associated with arts and humanities and anything creative. This card can appear when you are exploring a new philosophy. The Page of Wands can represent a younger person in your life that is full of ideas and exuberance but not necessarily reliable. You too, may have so many options that making a choice has become difficult. The message of the Page of Wands relates to organizing your ideas in a practical way that allows you to make the most of them.
Keywords: News from a friend or social invitations. Studying art or philosophy. A new start based on a change in mindset. Returning to school.
Reversed: Unreliable or indecisive. Lack of enthusiasm or energy. Not wanting to listen. Stalemate. Impasse in negotiations. Delays in travel or communication about social events.