Live Joyfully
From Kari's blog: Live Joyfully
Transcend the story you tell yourself and learn to see synchcronity in everything.

My on-line Coaching explores dreams and oracles to connect clients with the seamless unity of how the inner and outer world unite through synchronicity.
Synchronicity is how evolving aspects of the psyche seek expression. We discover it through dream symbols – our experiences – and when using oracles.
Clients often recognize that their dreams are trying to tell them something, and this coaching process is 100% effective in uncovering what that is. My coaching explores one dream a week along with oracle readings when requested.
I also offer 3 weeks of Comprehensive Dreamwork or individual dream interpretation service.
"Working with you has been one of the most powerful transformative processes I've ever undergone and it will stay with me as the period of greatest (and most challenging!) growth in my life thus far."
Read how my work has helped others by clicking on the leaf.

"I wake up very grateful when I have an interesting dream now as I look at it like a message or a status report. I am so happy to have found you!"
Becoming the 'master of your experiences' requires stillness, self-reflection and a willingness to learn from experience. Life is your teacher, dreams are your mirror and coaching allows you to understand the connection between them. In the same silence where a thousand seeds are becoming the landscape of spring, you too, are guided to blossom.
"Thank you so much for your help! It's amazing how clear you can make things!"
Whether you have personal or professional goals, discover how "success is a pathway of self-completion and the seed is always within you."
"I already feel more empowered after this first week and am truly starting to believe that there's light at the end of the tunnel!"
After purchasing coaching services through Paypal, you will receive an introductory email that will begin our one on one, on-line coaching program. In just three weeks, you will be amazed at how tapping your inner wisdom can guide you to live a more fulfilled and empowered existence.
I love helping people transcend their story of challenge into one of joy and success. Please also visit our Member Center to download articles or listen to MP3s about living a more fulfilled existence.